The Kids

The Kids
Ready To Learn

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Practice Random Acts of Environmental Kindness by Isaac, Noah, Isabelle, and Jake

Did you know that it takes a plastic six pack ring 450 years to decompose?  How about the fact that it takes an aluminum can 350 years to decompose?  Those wool gloves you wear in winter will take a full year to decompose.  At our house we are gearing up to do our part to save the Earth.  We have made a pledge to practice random acts of Environmental Kindness daily.  Did you know that you can do this too?  Here are some ways you can help save the Earth too.
  1. RECYCLE ~ it is the most important thing we can do
  2. Take care of plants and trees ~ water them if you have them, if you don't have them, PLANT them
  3. Save water and energy ~ take shorter showers and turn off the lights when you leave a room.
  4. Do not Litter ~ if you see any litter, pick it up and tell others to do the same
  5. Don't use things like paper plates and paper towels, instead use things that can be washed and reused.
We were surprised to learn that it takes Glass bottles 1 million years to decompose.  Glass jars can be re-used.  It scares us to think of the end of the world and what we do to our planet.  That is why we should all do our part to save her.  We are killing the earth by not taking care of her as we should.  We should take a lesson from the Native Americans ~ they only took what they needed from the Earth and they used it all.  They loved the Earth and they took care of her.  We should all do like they did.

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