The Kids

The Kids
Ready To Learn

Monday, August 22, 2011

Mother Goose & Nursery Rhymes by Isabelle, Isaac and Noah

No one is sure who the real Mother Goose is but some people think she was named Bertrada II of Laon, the mother of emperor to be, Charlemagne.  She wrote funny poems for children.  The first Mother Goose book was published in 1697 and was called "Tales from the Past with Morals: Tales from my Mother Goose."  Mother Goose made its way from Europe to America the same year as the Constitution was being signed in Philadelphia.  In honor of Mother Goose we all wrote nursery rhymes today.  Nursery Rhymes are funny, nonsensical, and silly.  Isabelle just wrote one off the top of her head as we type this.  It goes,

Mother Goose, Mother Goose
had a cup with no juice. 

Here is Isabelle's nursery rhyme from this morning:

Princess Petunia went to sea,
On a magical journey went she.
She saw a mermaid and hook,
A fish reading a book,
A squirrel and a boy,
The dolphins new toy,
And the moon in his bandana
Eating a yellow banana.

Isaac's Nursery rhyme:

The duck army flew to the woods
To the ground where the woodcutter stood
Slime guns at the ready
Down to old Neddy,
The woodcutter's water guns fired
The duck army grew tired
And they cried for warm milk
and their beddy.

Noah's Nursery Rhyme

Three little kittens
Marching off to war
To battle an enemy
They hadn't fought before.
The Duck King was mad
Because the rats were bad
The rats were a score
but no they are no more
So to Sonic they went
So now their money's all spent
On drinks and hot potatoes.

Learning about Mother Goose and writing nursery rhymes was really fun!

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