The Kids

The Kids
Ready To Learn

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Daniel Boone by Isaac

Daniel Boone was a great hunter and explorer.  He had a lot of children.  He was a soldier in the French and Indian War.  He tried to tell the British General, Braddock, that there were French soldiers nearby but Braddock didn't listen and the British troops were defeated.  Daniel Boone survived.  He had a daughter who had been playing by the river with some of her friends and she and her friends were captured by Indians.  But she was very smart and she broke branches and leave marks for her father, Daniel Boone, to track her.  She knew he'd come and rescue her and her friends and he did.  He went on hunting expeditions and he'd be gone sometimes for months from his family.  But he explored the Kentucky frontier and built a settlement there. Daniel Boone was captured by Indians and impressed by his hunting skill, the Chief claimed him as his own.  For a months he remained with the Indians until he escaped.  He later went to Missouri.  He lived with his son Nathan and later he died there at Nathan's house.  I really like Daniel Boone's story, especially the part of his life where the Indian chief claimed him as his own because his hunting skills were so great.  I think it's cool that he wasn't afraid to go those places that hadn't really been explored much. 

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