The Kids

The Kids
Ready To Learn

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back to School by Mom

After a nice break for Christmas we are back at work.  Learning our states, digging deeper into the American Revolution, learning about adjectives and adverbs, working on our reading, seeing what God's Word has to teach us, working with fractions and really getting down our multiplication tables, practicing our sign language, reading about great poets and composers, finishing up Little House in the Big Woods and beginning another great piece of Literature, getting immersed in the Westward Expansion and the life and times of the Pioneer.  Can't wait to share with you all what the next few months have in store for the children.  It won't be long before we are camping again, learning about the stars and learning about the plants and wildlife that are indigenous to our area.  We will be getting our new chickens soon and are adding to our bunch this year by taking on the task of learning to care for turkeys.  Our gardens will be planted in a few months, which the kids will help to tend.  2012 is going to be a great year.  I hope you and yours are blessed with a wonderful year.  God Bless you all!!!
Working on US States Puzzle
It's nearly complete.
Noah's is working on identifying the Mountain States
He's almost got them all.
She has them all figured out.

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